We, Dominican Sisters of Catherine of Siena, trace the origin of our religious family, to a humble French woman, MOTHER GERINE FABRE a member of the fraternity of Lay Dominican movement. She was born on the 22nd April, 1811 in South of France. She spent her life caring for the helpless, the abandoned, particularly the sick and the poor.
She established a Dominican religious community devoted to the assistance of the sick, ...
Nigeria Delegation
How we came to Nigeria
After the visit of the Holy Father Pope John Paul II to Nigeria in 1982, the church in Nigeria requested from him the help of the missionaries to nurture and catechize the faithful. The then Prioress General Rev. Mother Maria Domenica Chilò, OP, wrote a letter appealing to the sisters to volunteer for a mission in Nigeria.
In 1988. Rev. Mother Imelda Fortuna, OP, Sr. Laura Grigis, OP - Italians, and Sr. Margaret Hussain, OP Pakistan were sent t...
Women have been part of the Dominican Order since the beginning, but distinct active congregations of Dominican sisters in their current form are largely a product of the nineteenth century and afterwards. They draw their origins both from the Dominican nuns and the communities of women tertiaries (lay women) who lived in their own homes and gathered regularly to pray and study: the most famous of these was the Mantellate attached to Saint Dominic's church in Siena, to which Saint Catherine of Siena belonged.
Vocation Office
If you think you are called to live your Christian life as a Dominican Father or Brother, then you could write:
The Promoter of VocationsDominican Community,Samonda,P.M.B. 5361, Ibadan,Oyo State, Nigeria....
Support Us
How you can help
There is a popular saying that: “Some give to the Mission by going, Some go to the Mission by giving, without both, there is no Mission”. Dominicans give to the Mission by going, but they depend on the goodwill of other Christian faithful to make their mission complete and fruitful. This goodwill can be shown through:
PRAYER: The greatest gift you can give to our Religious Order is your prayer...